Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I don't know why, but I am in a state of sadness. I can't seem to pull myself out of it and I find it really weird that most of the time I write in here, it is because I am not quite myself.
I want to get out of here for a while, go someplace slightly warm and I had planned to.. . I hoped to, and now it seems that it won't be happening, and the.... when it will, is sort of out there somewhere. Den will be full blown into a building project soon and that in itself changes what we can do and when. So.. i am sad. really sad.

1 comment:

Tyler and Connie Boyd said...

Again, we are praying for a way! But I agree that doing things when affordable is definitely doing right vs pay with credit now and figure out paying later later. God will honor your decision and your heart's desire, I know it! Well...because He always does ;0 pics of Emma yet, Tyler got me this new external hard drive to put all my pics on so hopefully I can figure it out soon.